Friday, June 3, 2011


If I never leave the state again, I will still not get to see all of the things I'd like to in Oklahoma.  Then again, it's possible that I have witnessed more wonders of the world right here than most lifetime Oklahomies.  Today is a chance to challenge yourself to get outside and visit someplace in Oklahoma where you have never been.  Pick up a map, follow a trail, get lost.

Have you seined the urban creeks of Martin Park Nature Center, just to identify and release the living creatures captured?  Witnessed the beginning of Spring, when the riverbank branches of Muskrat Row turn into snakes?   Listened to wingbeats of mythical birds in the Red Slough?  Try searching for the state lizard in the mountains.  Get sick of spotting bald eagles at McGee Creek State Park.  Swim in the clear water of American Horse Lake.  Listen to coyotes, wild boar, and Chuck-will's-widows after dark.  Discover that a roadrunner sounds nothing like the cartoon.

There are most definitely treasured spots in this beautiful state, and natural wonders that I just haven't found yet.  I refuse to believe that there is nothing to do here.  There just isn't enough time to do it all.  I may be boulder-hopping in the rock gardens of the Wichita Mountains this weekend, or searching for bobcat tracks in the sand at Stinchcomb.  Possibly treading on a new path for the first time, or spending time on familiar grounds.  I will never tire of this get-acquainted phase of my relationship with Oklahoma.  Can you come out and play?

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're doing this. It's the start of something great--I just know it!
